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Sunday, April 5, 2009

First Underwater Car!!

Thirty years after the movie thriller "The Spy Who Loved Me" hit the silver screen, 'sQuba' is the first car that can actually fly under water. The Rinspeed sQuba will have it's world debut at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Michael Jackson with new face

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Trik Menjadi Cowo romantis

Romantis tidak selalu harus ‘gombal’. Romantis bisa dilakukan dalam tindakan. Pernahkah Anda mendengar ‘Lima detik sentuhan lebih berarti dari lima menit ucapan’? Mulai sekarang yakinlah bahwa itu benar.

Manusia adalah makhluk yang cerdas, namun ‘pelupa’. Memori otak manusia lebih peka dalam merekam suatu tindakan yang pernah dialami daripada perkataan yang pernah disampaikan seseorang. Coba Anda ingat lagi, kapan Anda mengatakan pada pujaan Anda untuk pertama kalinya, bahwa Anda mencintainya. Sekarang ingat lagi, di manakah Anda mengatakan hal itu. Ingatkan Anda setiap ucapan yang Anda katakan kepadanya?

Nah, dari hal itu dapat Anda simpulkan sendiri berapa besar ingatan Anda tentang kata-kata yang telah Anda ucapkan.

Contoh lainnya adalah ingatan masa kecil Anda, ketika bertamasya ke suatu tempat. Apa yang paling Anda ingat? Gambaran situasinya tentu paling Anda ingat. Namun apa yang Anda katakan saat itu pasti banyak yang Anda lupakan.

Jadi, romantisme itu menjadi lebih berarti apabila Anda melakukan suatu tindakan ‘kecil’ dan ‘manis’ yang jarang Anda lakukan.

Mau tahu tips-tips terbaru bagaimana ‘romantis’ terhadap pasangan Anda?

Simak lebih lanjut tips-tips berikut ini:

1. Bunga itu kuno
Jangan pergi berkencan dengan selalu membawakan pasangan Anda ‘bunga’. Lama-kelamaan itu tidak lagi romantis bagi pasangan Anda. Lalu apa yang romantis? Gantikan buket bunga tersebut dengan sekeranjang minuman kesehatan, seperti yogurt, susu untuk kesehatan tulang, minuman bervitamin, dll. Kenapa harus minuman kesehatan? Pada umumnya perempuan lebih mudah merasa lelah. Kegiatan mereka yang padat seringkali membuat mereka lupa pentingnya kesehatan dalam tubuh. Make-up mungkin tak pernah mereka tinggalkan. Tetapi asupan tubuh seringkali mereka abaikan. Jadi apabila Anda membawakan sesuatu yang berguna untuk pasangan Anda dalam kesehariannya, dia akan merasa diberi perhatian lebih.

2. Bawa pasangan Anda ke tempat yang biasanya Anda tidak suka
- Pasar tradisional
Pada umumnya pria benci pasar tradisional. Tidak praktis istilahnya. Segala aktivitas yang ada di dalam pasar tradisional, bau amis dari ikan yang dijual, lokasi yang mungkin becek, atau penjual yang selalu menawarkan harga dagangannya dengan harga tinggi membuat Anda malas untuk masuk ke dalamnya. Namun tepiskan semua hal itu. Raih keranjang belanjaannya, bantu ia memilih lauk dan sayuran yang dibelinya. Jangan lupa tanyakan padanya cara memilih sayur dan lauk yang benar. Perempuan senang dengan perhatian semacam itu.

- Salon kecantikan
Tempat yang satu ini mungkin salah satu yang menjengkelkan apabila Anda sendiri tidak suka pergi ke salon. Sesekali tunjukkan kepedulian Anda pada pasangan Anda dengan sekedar menemaninya ke salon, sarankan gaya rambut yang mungkin cocok untuknya. Penampilan adalah hal penting bagi perempuan. Dengan tambahan saran dari Anda, pastinya kepercayaan diri pasangan Anda akan lebih bertambah. Dan yang perlu Anda catat adalah, Perempuan akan tampak lebih cantik apabila aura kepercayaan dirinya muncul. Make up yang menjadi andalannyapun tak akan berarti banyak dibandingkan kepercayaan dirinya.

- Tempat penjual ice cream
Perempuan benci apabila dikatakan gemuk. Namun dalam hati kecil mereka selalu ada keinginan untuk makan sesuatu yang ‘terlarang’ bagi program dietnya. Coba bawa ia menikmati ice cream spesial. Yakinkan dirinya bahwa ia tetap cantik dalam kondisi apapun. Dan memang ia pantas mendapatkannya.

3. Pijat bahunya
Pekerjaan yang melelahkan seringkali membuat seseorang merasa penat, kehilangan tenaga, badan serasa berkarat dan kaku. Saat duduk di sampingnya raih bahunya, pijat perlahan untuk membuatnya merasa rileks. Memijat bahunya seolah sama halnya dengan memindahkan semua beban berat yang ia rasakan selama ini.

4. Foto
Ambil fotonya diam-diam saat ia tersenyum, lalu kirimkan kembali padanya. Katakan padanya bahwa ia selalu terlihat cantik, dan betapa Anda selalu mengaguminya.

Cobalah tips-tips tersebut pada pasangan Anda. Dan Anda akan dapatkan respon yang sangat baik dengan apa yang Anda lakukan, karena ia semakin yakin telah memilih Anda dalam hidupnya.

Search: Tendouku

flying car

Kalau kamu mau tau nama mobil terbang yang telah diproduksi dan telah dipesan oleh beberapa orang kaya serta menyaksikan videonya, Terrafugia Transition adalah salah satu nama mobil terbang keren tersebut. Mobil ini tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh sopir amatir yang mempunyai SIM standar, tapi harus berpengalaman dalam menjadi pilot.

Terrafugia Transition dibandrol seharga kurang lebih 2 Milyar, dalam konversi dollar AS adalah $194,000 dan telah dipesan oleh berbagai kalangan. Biaya Deposit adalah sebesar $10,000. Berikut ini video demontrasi dari Terrafugia Transition yang menghebohkan, desain yang unik, bisa diparkir di halaman rumah dan juga bisa diajak terbang.


16 Ghost Picture

16 foTo hantu yang diabadiakan

"The Brown Lady" of Raynham Hall
This photo was taken in 1936 at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. This portraint of "The Brown Lady" is arguably the most famous and well-regarded ghost photograph ever taken. The ghost is thought to be that of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount of Raynham, residents of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 1700s. It was rumored that Dorothy, before her marriage to Charles, had been the mistress of Lord Wharton. Charles suspected Dorothy of infidelity. Although according to legal records she was buried in 1726, it was suspected that the funeral was a sham and that Charles had locked his wife away in a remote corner of the house until her death many years later.

His Favorite Chair
Remember how
Archie Bunker liked his recliner so much that he never let anyone else sit in it? Well, ol' Archie doesn't have anything on Lord Combermere. After being ran over by a horse-drawn carriage he died in 1891. A photographer set up a camera with its shutter open for one hour in the manor's library while the entire staff was off at Lord Combermere's funeral, some four miles away. When the plate was developed, the startling image of what looks to be a man's head and arm sitting in the chair was immediately noticed. Many of the staff said that the image looked very much like the late lord, and it happened to be sitting in Combermere's favorite chair in the library.

Freddy Jackson's ComebackFreddy Jackson was a mechanic in the Royal Air Force in World War I. Freddy Jackson's squadron served onboard the H.M.S. Daedalus. Freddy Jackson was killed in 1919 when an airplane propeller hit him. Two days later when the squadron assembled for a group photo, Freddy Jackson faithfully showed up, grinning behind the ear of a fellow comrade. Guess nobody bothered to tell Freddy Jackson that he was dead. His face was widely recognized in this photo by members of the squadron.

Stair Case Ghost of National Museum, Greenwich, England
Rev. Ralph Hardy, a retired clergyman from White Rock,
British Columbia, took this now famous photograph in 1966. He intended merely to photograph the beautiful staircase in the Queen's House section of the National Museum in Greenwich, England. Upon development, however the photo revealed a shrouded figure climbing the stairs, seeming to hold the railing with both hands. Experts, including some from Kodak, who examined the original negative concluded that it had not been tampered with. Its been said that unexplained figures have been seen on occasion in the vicinity of the staircase, and unexplained footsteps have also been heard.

Darn Backseat Drivers!
In 1959 Mable Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit the grave of her mother, as any devoted daughter is apt to do. She took some photos of the gravesite and then turned and took this picture of her husband sitting alone in the car's passenger seat. The film was developed and this came out: somebody
sitting in the backseat wearing glasses, clear as day. Mrs. Chinnery swore that the "backseat driver" was none other than her own mother... whose gravesite she was standing next to when she took the picture! Hmmmm... a live husband and a deceased mother-in-law looking over his shoulder: there's a joke here, I just know it.

What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?
Back in 1996 Ike Clanton took this photo of a friend wearing western duds, in the middle of Tombstone's Boothill Graveyard. They swear that nobody else was in sight when they made this picture. Furthermore, some time later they tried to restage this picture with someone standing at the spot where the "mystery man" appears in the background. Ike Clanton says that it was impossible to take such a picture and not show the rear person's legs. Clanton said he wasn't so sure about Tombstone being haunted, but this photo made a believer out of him. There's so much ghostly activity going on in the famous town that Clanton's set up a special section of his website dedicated to Tombstone's population of yesteryear. Well worth checking out, if nothing else than for the sense of history that this excellent website conveys.

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Of all
the ghost photos I've seen (well, except for that one that I can't show at the present time), this one is hands-down the most eerie. Probably the most disturbing too. I didn't know about this one until a few months ago. Almost ten years ago, on November 19th, 1995, Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England was engulfed in flames and burned to the ground. As firefighters tried to stave off the inferno a town resident, Tony O'Rahilly, took pictures from across the street using a telephoto lens on his camera. There, rather clearly in one of the photos, is what looks very much to be a small girl standing in a doorway, with the brightness of the flames behind her. No one ever remembered there being a small girl present on scene, much less in that close a proximity to the fire. The photo and the original negative were turned over to a photo expert who decided that the picture was 100% authentic: "The negative is a straightforward piece of black-and-white work and shows no sign of having been tampered with." Okay, so what's a girl ghost doing in such a big fire? Well in 1677 a fire destroyed many of Wem’s wooden houses. The fire was said to have been caused by a 14-year old girl named Jane Churm, who had been careless with a candle. Churm died in the fire along with several others, and her ghost is said to still haunt the area. Whether there's such a thing as ghosts or not, it must be said: if this is just a trick, an illusion of smoke and fire that happened to be captured on film, it's a zillion-to-one coincidence that it just so happened to appear in the form of a girl who also died in a terrible fire at the same location. But hey, stranger things than that have happened in this world, right?

Ghost of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, Chicago
This photo was taken during an investigation of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery near Chicago by
the Ghost Research Society(GRS). On August 10, 1991 several memeber of the GRS were at the cemetery, a small abandoned garveyard on the edge of the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve, near the suburb of Midlothian, Illinois. Reputed to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the U.S., Bachelor's Grove has been the site of well over 100 different reports of strange phenomena, including apparitions, unexplained sights and sounds, and even glowing balls of light. When developed, this image emerged: what looks like a lonely looking young woman dressed in white sitting on a tombstone. Parts of her body her partially tranparent and the style of the dress seems to be out of date.

"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it..."I first saw this photo over twenty years ago. It was the first "ghost photo" I ever came across and it still wigs me out to look at it. In 1924 James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crewmen of the tanker S.S. Watertown, were accidentally killed by gas fumes while cleaning a cargo tank. The crew of the Watertown - on its way to the Panama Canal from New York City – buried the two sailors at sea off the Mexican coast. That was on December 4th. On December 5th the first mate reported that the faces of Courtney and Meehan were appearing in the water off the port side of the ship. Over the next several days every member of the crew witnessed the faces appear and disappear, including the ship's captain. When he reported this to his supervisors after docking in New Orleans it was suggested that he try to photograph the faces. Captain Keith Tracy bought a camera and the ship was soon underway again. Sure enough, the faces appeared, and Tracy took six pictures, then secured the camera in the ship's vault. The camera was not removed until it was taken to a commercial developer after docking in New York City. Five of the photos showed nothing unusual, but the sixth clearly showed what was said to be the faces of the two dead crewmen. No evidence of forgery or tampering of the film was ever discovered. The faces stopped appearing after a new crew was brought aboard the Watertown.

The Newby Church Monk
Reverend K.F. Lord took a picture of the altar at his church in North Yorkshire, England (why are the GOOD ghosts always found in England?) and this is what came out. The picture and the negative are said to have been thoroughly examined by photographic experts and they can't find any evidence that this was either a double exposure, or artificially altered. The "thing" is calculated to be standing nine feet tall, and no one's found any record of a monk that humongous ever being at Newby Church. Who is it? What is it? Trick of light or something else? Either way it's way too creepy to not mention on this list.

Ghost Child at Cemetery
A woman named Mrs. Andrews was visiting the grave of her daughter Joyce, who died at 17. Andrews saw nothing unusual when she took this photo of Joyce's gravemarker. When the film was developed, Mrs. Andrews was astonished to see the image of a small child sitting happily at her daughter's grave. The ghost child seem to be aware of Mrs. Andrews since he or she is looking directly into the camera. Is it possible a double exposure? Mrs. Andrews said there were no such children nearby when she took the photograh and moreover did not recognize the child at all. It was no one she would have taken photograh of. She remarked that she did not believe it was the ghost of her daughter as a child.

London's St. Botolph's Chruch Ghost
In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley took a photograph of the interior of London's St. Botolph's Chruch, but never expected what would appear on the film. High in the Church's loft, seen in the upper right hand corner of his photogarph, is a transparent form of what looks like a woman. According to Brackley, to his knowledge there were only three people in the church when this photograh was taken, and none of them were in that loft.

Church Minister Ghost
According to Brad Steiger's Real Ghosts, restless spirits and haunted places, where this photo was found, there was only one other photographer in the church beside the person who took this picture. Neither of them recalled seeing ghost or any flesh-and-blood person standing there who could account for this image. Because the figure is all in black, it has been theorized that the apparition could be that of the churuch minister.

Grandfather Ghost Standing Behind Grandmother
"The lady in the color photo is my granny," she says. "She lived on her own until age 94, when her mind started to weaken and had to be moved to an assisted living home for her own safety. At the end of the first week, there was a picnic for the residents and their families. My mother and sister attended. My sister took two pictures that day, and this is one of them. It was taken on Sunday, 8/17/97, and we think the man behind her is my grandpa who passed away on Sunday, 8/14/84. We did not notice the man in the picture until Christmas Day, 2000 (granny had since passed away), while browsing through some loose family photos at my parents' house. My sister thought it was such a nice picture of granny that she even made a copy for mom, but still, nobody noticed the man behind her for over three years! When I arrived at my parents' house that Christmas day, my sister handed me the picture and said, "Who do you think this man behind granny looks like?" It took a few seconds for it to sink in. I was absolutely speechless. The black and white photos show that it really looks like him."
I don't need what might be a ghost's photograph to attest to this truth: when you're in love with that one special someone, nothing will stop you from being with that person. But it's still pretty nice to get a tangible confirmation of that every once in awhile..

Railroad Crossing Ghost in San Antonio, TexasA Strange legend surrounds a railroad crossing of San Antonio, Texas. The intersection of the roadway and railraod track, so the story goes, was the site of a tragic accidents in which several school-aged children were killed - but their ghosts linger at the spot and will push idled cars across the tracks, even though the path is uphill. Andy and Debi Chesney's daughter and some of her friends had recently been to the crossing to test the legend, and she took some photographs. Inexplicably, a strange, transparent figure turned up in one of the photos.

Robot Berwujud Manusia

TOKYO, Tak lama lagi,
robot akan bersaing atau kalau tidak menggantikan model di catwalk. Robot terbaru buatan Jepang ini tidak hanya cantik, tetapi juga bisa berlenggak-lenggok dengan pinggul bergoyang saat berjalan.

"Secara teknologi, ia sudah mencapai level tersebut," ujar Hiroshi Hirukawa, salah satu ilmuwan dari National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciences and Technology, lembaga riset yang didukung penuh dana Pemerintah Jepang. Robot tersebut dipamerkan, Senin (16/3), dalam peragaan busana di Tokyo.
Saat berjalan, gerakan-gerakan kaki dan tangannya luwes seperti manusia. Ekspresi wajahnya juga dapat berubah-ubah dari sedih ke senang dengan mengatur gerakan mata dan mulut sesuai perintah.
Robot tersebut tampil dengan wajah khas wanita Jepang dengan kulit putih dan rambut hitam lurus sebahu. Tingginya 158 sentimeter dengan berat 58 kilogram. Sementara itu, bagian badannya masih berupa logam berwarna perak.
model di catwalk, robot yang diberi nama HRP-4C itu mungkin dapat digunakan pula untuk menggantikan pemandu atau instruktur. Misalnya, pemandu arah di taman kota atau sekadar menggerak-gerakkan badan untuk memberi hiburan pengunjung tempat hiburan.
Sayang, harganya masih sangat mahal. Platform
robot tanpa bagian wajah yang halus berbahan silikon akan dijual dengan harga 20 juta yen atau sekitar Rp 2,4 miliar.
Meski demikian, software yang mengatur gerakan
robot tersebut akan disumbangkan kepada publik. Para pengembangnya berharap, komunitas robot di saluruh dunia dapat meningkatkan kemampuan robot tersebut dengan cepat.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gerakan Mata dapat meningkatkan kreativitas, meredakan stres dll

Mata bukan hanya jendela jiwa, tapi juga bisa membantu mengingat, lebih mudah tertidur, meredakan stres. Para ahli di yang Merrimack College dan berbagai lembaga lainnya menyuruh subyek melakukan berbagai gerakan mata. Sesudah itu, aktivitas elektrik otak subyek diukur dengan electroencephalography. Para ahli menemukan, gerakanmata dapat mengaktifkan bagian otak yang membantu meraih tujuan. Kuncinya adalah, menggerakkan mata kearahtepat. Berikut, gerakan mata yang bisa dilakukan untuk mewujudkan impian.
  • Meredakan Stres: Lihat ke atas dan ke kiri
jika kita mencoba menggerakkan mata ke atas dan ke kiri mengaktifkan otak kanan yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyimpan ingatan visual. Kita semua punya reticular activating system, suatu mekanisme di dalam otak yang bekerja sebagai antena. Sistem ini menangkap milyaran stimuli di dunia sekitar dan mengingatkan otak untuk memperhatikanapa yang membuat kita senang, lalu menyimpan informasi ini ke tempat yang mudah di keluarkan lagi, begitulah menurut penjelasan dalam buku Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Dummies karya Romilla Ready dan Kate Burton.
Sampai saat ini para ahli belum menemukanapa persisnya yang membuat mata menyudut keatas. yang diketahui para ahli adalah, memikirkan sesuatu atau melepaskan hormon penurun rasa takut (oxytocin).
  • Langsung ingat sesuatu: Gerakan mata kekiri atau ke kanan
Menggerakkan mata secara cepat meningkatkan interaksi kedua belahan otak. Gerakan ini membuat kita bisa mengingat detail yang mudah diabaikan. Misalnya, di mana meletakkan kunci atau harus beli apa di toko.
Otak kiri mencatat ingatan-ingatan baru. Otak kanan bertugas mengeluarkan ingatan-ingatan sesudah itu. Jadi, pikirkan apa yang di ingat,lalu lakukan gerakan saccadic dengan menggerakkan mata ke kiri dan ke kanan secara cepat selama kira-kira 30 detik.
  • Membangkitkan kreativitas: Gerakkan mata secara diagonal
Menggerakkan mata seakan menelusuri garis miring, misalnya dari sisi kanan atas ke kiri bawah selama 30 detik dapat membangunkan pikiran kreatif. Gerakan ini menenangkan pemikiran rasional rasional dan logis yang sering mendominasi dialog internal anda. Gerakan ini juga mengakses pemikiran yang lebih dalam dan proses pemikiran yang kurang di sadari untuk membukakan lebih banyak solusi kreatif.
  • Kelancaran berbicara: lirik ke atas
Studi-studi menunjukkan, melihat ke kanan mengaktifkan otak kiri yang bertanggungjawab dengan bahasa. Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan verbal sebelum memberi kata sambutan atau persentasi kerja, coba latihan gerakan ini.
Lihat jauh ke kanan selama 1 detik, lalu lihat lurus ke depan selama setengah detik. Ulangi selama 30 detik. Istirahat sejenakdari tatapan lurus membantu menstimulir otak.
  • Lebih cepat tertidur: Lihat ujung hidung
Menatap kebawah, ke arah ujung hidung termasuk salah satu gerakan meditatif yang digunakan penganut agama Budha. Baik untuk olahraga menutup hari karena membuat pikiran masuk ke dalam keadaan rileks. Fokus kepada satu benda atau bagian badan di duga melepaskan gelombang alpha otak yang menenangkan. Gelombang yang menyertai berkhayal dan kantuk.
Saat berbaring tenang di ranjang, arahkan garis fokus agak ke bawah dan ke dalam sekitar 20 detik. Dengan mata tertarik kebawah, kelopak mata setengah tertutup ke posisi tidur.